Nothing will kill your motivation and ultimately your success more than these things:
believing you are doing everything good enough. Yes, that sounds a lot harsher when reading that but let me explain: if you believe you don’t need to improve in parts of your
program or life (maybe building the weight each week with your lifts so you get stronger and ultimately build muscle. Or maybe improve your sleep, hydration, recovery in general. Or maybe cut back your alcohol to next to nothing (1 drink or less a week ((or how about none?)) - then you are in for a rude awakening and for a long ride, my friend. There’s no better way to slow down your achievements more than that.
Not being realistic with how many bites, licks, or tastes you have throughout the day (yes, Patricia, that one lick of peanut butter at 7:39pm matters). It is unfortunate how much these things at up. “Oh, but I’m doing EVERYTHING TO THE DECIMAL POINT AND WORKING MY A$$ OFF IN THE GYM), yeah, babe, but you can’t out train a bad diet and that one thing you are adding into your routine everything with a lick, bite, or taste is adding 200-500 calories a week in your plan and can make a difference. That is stuff not accounted for!
Not being realistic with how much you are NOT eating in your plan. Yes, if you miss your protein goal 1-2 days a week it makes a difference. You are quite literally missing out on gains. And yes your progress will be slower.
& last but not least - your alcohol consumption. And I’m talking to my consistent drinkers - even moderate drinkers - who don’t just have one drink one day of the weekend. And while I did mention it in the ways of improving in # 1, I do feel the need to give this its own section. but first of all, do you know how powerful the gut is in your body? Do you know how much alcohol kills the literal lining of your stomach? Have you seen people get an upset stomach the day after drinking? Yeah…But also, did you know about how alcohol impairs protein synthesis? So that protein you’ve been consistent about eating everyday, yeah that’s not being well metabolized. Also alcohol is a diuretic, so good luck keeping hydrated enough for a pump (if you know, you know) or proper muscle recovery.
And although I get life happens, I’ve seen a million ways that people can make it happen if they want. At the end of the day if you want it, you’ll get after it ♥️
I’ve seen clients who repeatedly said they weren’t making progress and they followed the plan to the decimal point every week, turn around and make insane progress once they tightened up and let go of some bad habits they had (& had not mentioned).
So can you honestly look in the mirror and know you’ve done it ALL? If you can, that’s incredible! That is an amazing place to be in your head!
But just know when you get 2-4-6-8-10-12 months deep into a program, and you haven’t made a change. Something has to change. & sometimes you have to start vouching for yourself and start by looking inward.
It takes two ♥️